Hungary; Final Decision: The National Assembly obliged power plants above 5 MW to trade on the exchange from 1 January
, NewsThe National Assembly obliged power plants above 5 MW installed capacity to sell their electric energy on the energy exchange. This obligation enters into force on 1 January 2018 as the National Assembly adopted it at a second hearing. For plants which the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission includes in the quota for the regulated market, this would apply only for their production outside the quota. The obligation to sell on the exchange would be valid for RES plants too, but only after they have reached their effective working hours as defined by the EWRC (for which they receive feed-in-tariffs). This would also be applicable to production by cogenerations, outside their highly efficient one, for which there are also mandatory feed-in-tariffs.
The amendment refers to Art. 100 of the Energy Act as it is change through the transitional and final provisions of the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy Act. It was adopted unanimously by 124 members of parliament participating in the plenary sitting.
Except the obligatory participation of plants above 5 MW on the exchange, the adopted amendment in the Energy Act decreases the minimum amount of sanctions which the EWRC can impose. The sanctions now are between 200 000 BGN and 1 000 000 BGN as the minimum amount is envisioned to drop down to 20 000 BGN.
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