Montenegro and the consequences of the construction and ban on small hydropower plants

, News

Recently, the Center for Civic Education (CCE) announced that it is worried because the privileged concessionaire Dekar and Dekar Energy, owned by Momcilo Miranovic, arbitrarily returned workers to the construction site for the construction of mini hydropower plants on the river Cestogaz, in the village of Bare Kraljske near Kolasin, against their will. local population, said the senior legal advisor in CCE Snezana Kaludjerovic.

Economic analyst Vasilije Kostic estimated that the announcement of the ban on the construction of small hydro power plants in Montenegro will discourage investments in that segment of energy. He also said that “the consequences of that announcement can certainly exceed the microeconomic level.”

“I will list some of them. The first and immediate consequence could be the budget – those who have built the lex legis so far – in accordance with the law – are likely to be compensated, so this is directly contrary to the need to stabilize the budget. In addition, it is questionable how this corresponds to the need to develop the energy sector and our need to meet domestic electricity needs. Then, it directly increases the uncertainty of investments, both domestic and foreign, and it is known what investments mean for our economy “, said Kostic in an interview for Dnevne novine, commenting on exposé of the future Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic.

As he added, in complex systems such as the economic system, unilateral decisions, in addition to generalized ones (they apply to all cases), never affect only what is their target.

“Such actions could rightly be said to hit the target, but miss the target. What is it about? If the construction of small hydropower plants is to be stopped, for what (and in my opinion) there are really many reasons, the main one being environmental protection, then the proclamation of a general ban, in addition to the desired consequence, has many other potential consequences that should be considered. do the same with those who produce benefits or contribute to development, “he said.

Kostic also said that in the middle of any process, and the process of building mini hydro power plants is such, one should refrain from making general, unilateral decisions (such as banning the construction of mini hydro power plants) that do not respect reality or specificity but, in his opinion, act as A “universal broom” that cleans everything without residue.

“Due to the high degree of interdependence in the economic system, every decision, even the decision related to mini hydro power plants, must be considered from the aspect of the impact it produces or can produce, and only then make a decision,” he concluded.





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