Montenegro: Citizens of Bar asking who’ll come to dirty Montenegrin sea

, News

Who will come to dirty sea of Montenegro and is it worth it to our country to lose 800 million euros from tourism when the oil starts to be searched for just a few kilometres from the shore? This question was sent today from the ship Goleta Verde from Bar, on the day when the government is signing the contract for concession for exploitation of oil and gas from the sea with the consortium Eni-Novatek.

“This little piece of land if they destroy, then what will be left? Borders are limited”. These are the words that Ruzica from Bar described the contract.

Her fellow citizen Rajko said for CdM that no one will come to swim in a dirty sea of Montenegro.

Natasa Kovacevic from NGO Green Home said that by signing the contract on concession for production of oil and gas we will sign a death sentence on 25th anniversary of ecological state of Montenegro.

“We condemn the signing of the contract by which the death sentence is signed for coastal tourism and with whose ecological and economic consequences more than 80% of the citizens at the coast are not informed with. We came to the point where in a year when all of world science and public said that it is final hour for saving the climate, we start the adventure of digging the sea and search for fossil fuels”, said Kovacevic.

Ecologist from Croatia Dusica Radojicic said that the main question is what is in it for the citizens from this research.

“One leak of oil in Montenegro will be paid by the citizens for the next 50 years. Has anyone ever thought what the damage would be for tourism?”, she said for CdM.

Croatia, she emphasized, recognized that this project has no economic or ecological sense.

“Citizens of Montenegro, it’s not too late. You can still react. We were surprised that Montenegro, which as an ecological state, intends to exploit oil”, said Radojicic.


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