Nuclear electrical power plants in neighborhood – How safe is Serbia
, NewsDue to neighbors, these days public has been discussing nuclear safety of the country. Some 70 km from the border, Hungary started the project of construction of two reactors which will replace the old ones in Paks. The Government of Serbia ensures there is no need to worry. By the end of December, they will deliver opinion on influence of reactors constriction on environment to Hungarian Government.
Not far from Serbian border, for three decades now, four nuclear power plants work in Paks. The environmental impact study of reactors was sent by Hungary to 11 countries, including Serbia.
– The only thing Serbia can do at this moment is to provide certain suggestions to the study estimation – Branko Brajic from the Agency for protection from ionizing radiation and nuclear safety says.
The minister of agriculture and environmental protection, Snezana Bogosavljevic Boskovic outlines that the study was published at the website of the Ministry.
– Our expect public is interested, institutions had an option to study that study, provide suggestions, remarks and proposals – the minister says.
Experts estimate that the study guarantees safety since old nuclear reactors of the second generations which are no longer produced will be replaced with modern technologies of so-called generation three plus.
– The conclusion is that consequences for our citizens here in Novi Sad and Belgrade would be such that total quantity would be less than regulatory body allows us to release in the environment – 240 times less than we receive from nature. This is how much it would be from the accidents – Miodrag Milosevic, from Nuclear facilities of Serbia explains.
Serbia which banns nuclear power plants is surrounded with them. Apart from Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria have them and there is also Krisko at the border of Slovenia and Croatia.
– We do not need to worry, we monitor everything. We have nine measuring places when it comes to premature announcing systems. Based on that system, we see everything happening in the environment. If any kind of accident occurs, we will react instantly – the head of the Agency for protection of ionizing radiation and nuclear safety, Sladjan Velinov says.
The global attitude is that Fukushima and Chernobyl must not repeat. With nuclear power plants of the future there can be no accidents – they have to handle the strongest earthquake, fall of a plane and terrorist attack. If they do not pass that test, there will be no construction.
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