Photon Energy connected two solar parks to the grid in Hungary
, NewsPhoton Energy Solutions HU Kft has brought live the first two of 10 plants it is installing in the town of Puspokladany, in Hungary’s eastern Hajdu-Bihar County located on the border with Romania. Amsterdam-based solar developer Photon Energy NV has hooked to the grid two solar parks in Hungary that will become part of a 14.1-MWp photovoltaic (PV) complex.
The two PV systems have a combined capacity of 2.8 MWp. Being tied to E.on Tiszantuli Aramhalozati Zrt’s power grid, they are expected to generate around 4.1 GWh of electricity annually, the parent company said.
Each plant is entitled to a feed-in tariff of HUF 33,360 (USD 110.1/EUR 93.6) per MWh, distributed in the form of electricity sales on the energy spot market plus a Contract for Difference remuneration. Photon Energy expects to get EUR 380,000 (USD 449,000) in combined annual revenues from the two facilities.
The remaining eight solar plants, of 11.3 MW in total, are currently “at an advanced stage of building” and six of them are planned to be grid-connected at the end of this month. The other two are scheduled for completion at end-November.
The new capacity addition expands Photon Energy’s installed capacity in Hungary to 37.8 MWp, the company said. Globally, it now owns 63.4 MWp of solar parks.
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