A reform of environmental taxes in Serbia
, NewsAvailable data on expenditures for environmental projects on the premises, from the dinar collected environmental fee in the reduction of pollution is invested from 0.0 to a maximum of 0.4 dinars.
The analysis conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce, with the support of the Center for International Private Entrepreneurship, addressed possible directions for improving environmental compensation regulations. The focus of the project was the fee for the protection and improvement of the environment and the fee for the use of protected areas.
The economy therefore recommends reforming these fees. EmChem recommends that the fee for protection and improvement of the environment and the fee for pollution be merged, and that the level of the fee be determined according to the measured air pollution, with a gradual increase in the amount of fees per emission and expansion of taxpayers to all who emit pollutants into the air. This would enable the consistent application of the “polluter pays” principle, and polluters would have a motive to invest in reducing pollution.
– The data on the allocation of local governments is a good illustration of the source of dissatisfaction of taxpayers of this fee – said Milica Bisić, author of the research and director of corporate affairs of KPMG. – It is necessary to improve the way of planning and reporting on environmental protection projects and to provide clear guidelines for the classification of environmental expenditures. This would achieve greater transparency and allow the interested public to analyze the feasibility and effectiveness of these expenditures.
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