Agreement on terminating SHPP construction in Republika Srpska

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There are certain chances that Republika Srpska will stop considering all new initiatives for planning small hydro power plants (SHPPs), so the SNSD (Alliance of Independent Social Democrats), whose idea is in question, assures that in the past two months they have held talks with other parties and the non-governmental sector and that an agreement has been reached. The conclusions of the SNSD regarding this topic did not receive the necessary support in the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska at the beginning of July, because there was a “misunderstanding” between the parts of the deputies who make up the parliamentary majority. The SNSD says that they have not given up on their idea and that it has been discussed in the past two months.

“Our conclusions will remain valid as our political idea and political position. At this time, in the last two months, we have had some more talks with political parties, ministries, and non-governmental organizations dealing with environmental issues, and we are roughly on the same background, “said Igor Žunić head of the SNSD MPs’ Club.

He added that the SNSD will repeat those conclusions at the first regular session, which will have any segments concerning environmental protection on its agenda.

“I think that it will receive absolute support then, and I expect it from both the position and the opposition,” said Žunić, adding that they have the support of the NGO sector.

Asked whether it is too optimistic to expect that it will be adopted in the assembly by the end of this year, Žunić said that he expects it.

“Yes, I definitely expect us to adopt the conclusions, and after that there are things that the Ministry should do according to those conclusions.” But, the conclusions themselves, as we have proposed, in any case put a moratorium on permits for small hydroelectric power plants until some issues related to environmental protection are resolved, “Žunić emphasized.

Risto Marić, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Environmental Protection in the RS National Assembly, also believes that such conclusions should be adopted.

“I see no reason not to support that. “At the last session at which it was discussed, there was probably a misunderstanding, one part of the deputies did not vote for the proposal, and next time I expect that the proposal will receive support,” said Marić to Nezavisne novine.

The Green Team Novi Grad Association says that they are firmly behind all initiatives that contribute to stopping the construction of small hydropower plants, whether those initiatives come from colleagues from the non-governmental sector or from politically elected representatives of citizens.

“We call to account all decision makers, regardless of whether it is at the level of the municipality, city or Republika Srpska – all together they have to say ‘no’ to small hydro power plants. These are things where we expect a unanimous decision, otherwise it is necessary to consider who these individuals and interest groups are, for whom environmental degradation is a means of making a profit, ” said Mario Crnković, president of the Green team.





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