Bosnia EBRD to finance TSO SCADA&EMS for increased cross border and allocation capacity
, NewsEBRD is assessing the possibility to finance system improvements in Bosnia TSO Co NOS. The Project will create a platform for greater competition in BiH and allow for penetration of independent power producers. It will enable regional market integration and it will lead to improvements in cross-border trade and allocation of capacity.
According to the EBRD, the bank is considering extending a corporate loan to Nezavisni operator sistema u Bosni i Hercegovini upgrade of Emergency Management System implementation of new IT systems and construction of ISO premises.
EBRD states that the Project is critical to the liberalisation and market opening process in Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to the EBRD/ISO assessment the state of the art EMS/SCADA systems will improve significantly the country’s power system reliability and stability and will be the first important step towards the full implementation of a smart grid in the country, leading to significant reduction of losses and grid carbon emissions.
The Project will support the integration of renewable power in the system and will help reduce losses and carbon intensity of the BiH energy sector in line with international best practices. State of the art SCADA, EMS and IT equipment will be installed, which will ensure ISO can perform its tasks in the unbundled and competitive environment.
The Project will create a platform for greater competition in BiH and allow for penetration of independent power producers. It will enable regional market integration and it will lead to improvements in cross-border trade and allocation of capacity.
ISO is a state owned company responsible for operation of the electricity transmission system in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Loan in the amount of up to EUR 8.5 million.
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