Bulgaria power exchange rules of engagement
, NewsOnly registered traders will be able to buy and sell power on the energy exchange. Buyers will have to pay the day after the deal was signed and sellers will receive their money within 2 days after the deal. These rules are foreseen by the drafted regulations for the power exchange.
All players will have to provide a financial guarantee equaling the net worth of the purchased power for the past 6 days, including VAT.
There will be 3 fees required from participants – a one-time accession fee, annual fee and turnover fee. The amount of the fees hasn’t been set yet.
The date set for the launch of the power exchange is December 1, 2015. Sales and acquisition offers will be submitted every day. Every Monday will be opened tenders for the next 2 weeks.
Trade on the exchange will be possible every day of the year without exceptions.
The schedule will be approved by the ESO (Electricity System Operator).
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