China Int Water Electric Corp eyes Bosnia Republika Srpska HPP Dabar project

, News

China International Water & Electric Corporation (CWE) and the energy ministry of Bosnia’s Serb Republic are set to sign a memorandum of understanding for the construction of Dabar hydro power plant (HPP),
local media reported.

The entity’s energy minister Petar Djokic met on Friday with representatives of the China-based company to discuss HPP Dabar and hinted that the MoU will be signed as soon as Monday, news broadcaster
RTRS reported.

Following the signing, CWE will analyse the existing studies and assess the HPP’s future location in order submit the best possible offer in the tender for its construction, RTRS said, quoting Chen Liang, a representative of the Chinese firm.

The preparatory works for the project have already been completed, including the construction of access roads and the water and power networks.

The Dabar power station will be part of the planned 250 MW hydro power complex Gornji Horisonti, which is designed to also incorporate two smaller plants, Nevesinje and Bileca.

The Serb Republic is one of the two autonomous entities that make up Bosnia and Herzegovina. The other one is the Muslim-Croat Federation.

China International Water & Electric Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Three Gorges Corporation (CTG) and the earliest state-owned enterprise in Chinese hydropower industry to participate in international economic cooperation.

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