Croatian, Slovenian power exchanges set to complete coupling activities in 2016
, NewsCroatian day-ahead power exchange CROPEX, which is yet to go live, and its Slovenian counterpart, BSP SouthPool, are expected to complete Multi-Regional Coupling (MRC) activities in 2016, CROPEX said.
At a meeting held in Ljubljana in September, the energy market regulators from the respective countries requested that transmission system operators and power exchanges start up activities for the coupling of the power markets at the border, CROPEX director Silvio Brkic said in a presentation.
The presentation indicated that CROPEX, a 50/50 venture involving Croatia’s power transmission system operator, HOPS, and the country’s energy market operator, HROTE, is currently working out operational details related to trading, clearing and settlement activities and that the remaining EU (Price Coupling of Regions/MRC) actions or approvals are expected to be received by end of November 2015.
In 2016, CROPEX plans to start preparing to join the European Cross Border Intraday (XBID) project and will introduce an intraday local market in Croatia. CROPEX is seen fully integrated with the XBID in 2017.
Croatia looks well placed for setting up a power exchange, having in mind that it is inside the European Union, giving security to the political framework, and that it is geographically well situated with several Southeast European (SEE) borders while also having borders with the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region, effectively bridging CEE and SEE, the CEO of the Brannvoll Bvba consultancy, Frank Brannvoll, said in a presentation posted on the CROPEX website.
Elsewhere in the region, day-ahead exchanges are set to launch this year also in Bulgaria and Serbia. The Bulgarian power exchange project, IBEX, involves Norwegian-based Nord Pool Spot, which is also a partner in the launch of CROPEX. The Serbian power exchange, SEEPEX, is being developed by Paris-based Epex Spot in partnership with state-owned power grid operator EMS.
BSP SouthPool was founded in 2008 by Borzen, Power Market Operator, and Eurex Frankfurt, European Derivatives Exchange. Since the change in ownership structure in 2010, shareholders of BSP have become Borzen and Elektro-Slovenija, both with the same 50% share. Through its affiliates the company is present also on the Serbian and Macedonian electricity markets where the company has established basic infrastructure for trading on electricity markets.
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