Energy companies dominate Serbia’s economy

, News

Serbian national electric power company EPS was the largest enterprise in Serbia in 2018 with annual revenues totalling 264 billion dinars (around 2.25 billion euros), a 4.7 per cent increase compared with 2017, the Serbian Business Registers Agency has announced.

In 2018, 2.5 per cent of business revenues generated in the Serbian economy could be attributed to EPS.

According to the Serbian press, the country’s multinational oil and gas company Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS) turned out to be the most successful company in Serbia in terms of increasing revenues, ranked second after EPS. The company saw a close to 20 per cent rise in 2018, with business revenues amounting to 258.5 billion dinars (around 2.2 billion euros).

Regarding net profits generated from foreign direct investments, Bor-based mining company Zijin Mining was first with 90.05 dinars (766 million euros), followed by Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla Airport (close to 451 million euros) and agricultural producer Al Dahra Serbia (close to 103 million euros).

Zijin Mining generated 12.1 per cent of all net profits resulting from FDI in Serbia in 2018.



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