Energy Watch Balkans: SEE TSOs to boost electricity cross border trading thru CAO SEE platform
, InvestorsSerbian state-owned power grid operator Elektromreze Srbije (EMS) is expected to express interest by the end of June in using the services of the Coordinated Auction Office in South East Europe (SEE CAO), SEE CAO said on Thursday.
EMS is expected to officially express the interest to use SEE CAO services including definition of the borders with SEE CAO shareholders that should be serviced by SEE CAO, the auction office said in a presentation.
Upon receipt of the expression of the interest, SEE CAO will by end of August define admission fee and agreement for services with same conditions as for SEE CAO shareholders, to be signed by mid October.
In order to include EMS borders in SEE CAO auctions for 2016, SEE CAO is willing to accept only service provision for EMS, the presentation showed.
The main aim of the SEE CAO initiative, involving the transmission system operators of Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Slovenia, Kosovo and Turkey, is to harmonise congestion management methods and optimise cross border capacity allocation.
The SEE CAO project team company was established in Montenegro’s capital Podgorica in July. It began holding auctions in late 2014.
SEE CAO said it plans to launch monthly auctions on the Greek-Turkish border from September with annual auctions on the Greek-Albanian border seen in 2016
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