Greece; RES sector’s 2020 targets out of reach, solar the exception

, News

With the exception of the solar energy sector, Greece’s renewable energy targets for 2020 appear to be unattainable, latest official industry data has shown.

A 2020 target figure of 2,200 MW set for the photovoltaic sector has already been reached with existing installations totaling 2,250 MW.

However, the wind energy sector, including offshore stations, is well behind on its 2020 target of 7,500 MW. Installations currently total 2,770 MW.

It is a similar story for the biomass sector, currently totaling 67 MW and with a long way to go before reaching the 2020 target of 350 MW.

Installed hydropower capacity in August was measured at 3,450 MW, not only well under a 2020 target figure of 4,650 MW but also still below an objective of 3,700 MW that had been set for 2014.


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