Issue of Nationally Determined Contribution of BiH (NDC) and achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement
, NewsBiH Minister Staša Košarac, with the support of international institutions, stated that BiH was the first in the region to announce how it plans to reduce harmful emissions and achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, not mentioning that the Plan, ironically, includes the construction of new coal-fired power plants.
Bosnia and Herzegovina is the first, and potentially the only country in the region to plan the construction of new coal-fired thermal power plants in the document “Nationally Determined Contribution of BiH (NDC) for the period 2020-2030”.
“The Council of Ministers and their international associates stall the public with sensationalist headlines and numbers, but the essence of this document clearly shows that BiH plans to allocate 4.5 billion KM for the construction of new thermal power plants, contrary to the goals of the Paris Agreement.” In other words, we are presented with fairy tales that have an unfortunate ending”, said Majda Ibraković from Center for Environment.
The purpose of this very important document is to present the contribution of our country in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement. In addition, the NDC document should be in line with the goals of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, to which BiH has committed itself by signing the Sofia Declaration and has clearly committed itself to climate neutrality and decarbonisation by 2050.
“It is nothing new that BiH politicians are trying to present their fairy tales to our and international public, which they call strategic documents, as a huge success and progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina in fulfilling international obligations. The problem is that representatives of international institutions, in this case the UNDP and the British Embassy, also got involved in this manipulation of the public. The question is why the ambassador of the state, which has committed to close its last coal-fired power plant in 2024, is promoting the construction of new thermal power plants in BiH? ”, said Denis Žiško from Centre for Ecology and Energy.
Non-governmental organisations pointed out this issue, through two rounds of consultations held on the occasion of the adoption of the NDC for the period 2020-2030, but unfortunately have not received answers or explanations from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations.
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