Bosnia: Kuwait interested in buying Bosanski Brod refinery

, News

Kuwait is interested in taking over oil refinery in Bosanski Brod, Ambassador Mehmed Halilovic told Dnevni Avaz.

Bosnian Ambassador to Kuwait did not want to disclose more details about this issue.

Officials in Kuwait also declined to comment on those speculations.

Oil Refinery is owned by Russian company Neftegazinkor but makes constant losses.

There are speculations that Russians are planning to withdraw from Republika Srpska refinery.

Avaz unofficially learned that there is a political will in both Bosnian entities to open negotiations with Kuwait.

Ambassador Halilovic recalled that Kuwait had been interested in buying OMV gas stations in Bosnia which means that speculations about its interest in entering BiH energy market through Bosanski Brod refinery are not groundless.

“If the current owner decides to sell the facility, I believe that Kuwait will be interested in buying it”, Halilovic told Avaz.

Refinery made 9.7 million KM loss in third quarter of 2015 while accumulated losses reached 536 million KM.


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