New bill would virtually rule out new windmill construction in Hungary
, News
Minister Overseeing the Office of the Prime Minister János Lázár has submitted a bill to parliament that would modify the law on electrical energy. The proposal would authorize the government to decide how many windmills to license, writes
The bill stipulates that windmills not be built on world heritage sites or in areas under environmental protection. Elsewhere the government may issue permits for commercial windmills providing “they do not upset the balance and performance of the electric sector.” The explanation contained in the bill indicates that when permitting new windmills the value of the landscape must be taken into consideration.
Even though windmills have proliferated around the world, Hungary has not issued any new permits since 2006, and it is unlikely to do so in the future if recent statements by the Ministry for National Economy are anything to go by.
No public debate has taken place regarding the proposed modification to the law. Nor has any debate taken place over the decision to build two new atomic energy reactors at the Paks atomic energy plant that will define the Hungarian energy market through the end of the century
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