No approval for additional hours for the operation of the Montenegrin TPP Pljevlja
, NewsThe NGO Eko-tim states that the European Commission has confirmed that after 20,000 hours have elapsed, that the Pljevlja Thermal Power Plant should be closed or operate in accordance with the emission limit values for new plants defined by the Industrial Emissions Directive.
The NGO Eco-team said that the European Commission had confirmed to a group of NGOs that “neither it nor the Secretariat of the Energy Community has a mandate to extend the 20,000 hours allocated to the Pljevlja Thermal Power Plant under the derogative mechanism and opt-out option granted to TPP Pljevlja emission values ”
“Since the project of ecological reconstruction of TPP Pljevlja has not been realized, TPP Pljevlja is still working without the necessary environmental standards, not respecting the emission limit values provided by the Industrial Emissions Directive. The Energy Community Secretariat, which is responsible for monitoring progress in the Contracting Parties necessary steps, including initiating misdemeanor proceedings when the conditions for that are met, “the NGO Eco-team said in a statement.
They reminded that Elektroprivreda has not yet published official information on the number of hours spent during 2020.
“Once this information is official, it is assumed that the Secretariat of the Energy Community will initiate misdemeanor proceedings against Montenegro. It is up to the Government to declare this very complex issue, primarily the survival of the coal sector and decide in which direction the further energy development of our countries “, the statement concludes.
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