Public debate on the waste incinerator in Vinča, Serbia

, News

The Ministry of Environmental Protection has re-initiated the procedure in order to harmonize the project documentation with the new European Union standards for the control of pollution from large furnaces. On the occasion of the public debate organized by the Ministry of Environmental Protection in connection with the Updated Environmental Study on the waste processing plant in Vinča, the Initiative “Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own” replied.

– From this public debate, as well as from previous analyzes, it is clear that the project of building an incinerator in Vinča is not harmonized with numerous European standards of environmental protection and waste management, that it will pollute the air with extremely carcinogenic materials, and cost citizens more than billion and 150 million euros – it is stated in the announcement of the Initiative.

– At the public debate, the changes of certain parts of the previous study, which was held a year earlier, were presented, and they concern the mentioned adjustments. At this discussion, we did not receive an answer as to why the study is not harmonized with all standards and directives prescribed by the EU, especially in the field of waste recycling, but only with some. Representatives of the ministry did not answer us what the bill of households in Belgrade will be based on this project. In addition, it remained unclear why the previous study was not annulled and what is happening with the building permits issued on the basis of that study – they say in the Initiative “Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own “.

This association, together with the organization “CEE Bankwatch Network”, filed two complaints to the Energy Community against the Republic of Serbia, due to non-compliance with European environmental standards during the construction of the incinerator in Vinča. In addition, a procedure was initiated before the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to assess the responsibility of this bank for financing the harmful project of building an incinerator in Vinča.





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