Renewable energy in Croatia
, NewsIn Croatia, 28% of energy consists of renewable energy. The share of renewable energy in total consumption has been determined individually, taking into consideration different initial positions, the respective renewable energy potential level and the economic results for each EU country.
This level was substantially lower in Croatia back in 2004.
It is clear that the target set was less than the starting position in the case of Croatia.
In comparison to 2017, the share of renewable energy has increased by the same level as in 2018 by 0.7 percentage points, but by the end of 2015, it was 29 percent below the level of 2015.
Renewable energy sources include wind, solar, biomass, indoor heat, hot springs (geothermal power) and water.
A higher share of renewable energy sources is considered essential if climate and energy objectives are to be achieved. At the EU level, the share of renewable energy in total energy consumption was 18% in 2018, up by half a percentage point from the prior year.
The share has more than doubled compared with 2004, up from 8.5% at the time, while the target this year, as indicated, is 20%.
Nearly every EU third country has met its binding goals or exceeded them. Bulgaria is at this party, as well as Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Greece, Hungary, Cyprus, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, and Sweden.
Sweden accounted for the highest proportion of renewable energy consumed in 2018, at 54.6%, followed by 41.2% by Finland, 40.3% by Latvia, 36.1% by Denmark and 33.4% by Austria.
With only 7.4% of the share, Malta (8%), Luxembourg (9.1%, and Belgium (9.4%), the Netherlands recorded the lowest share of all. Romania, Hungary, Austria, and Portugal are the four countries of the EU which are very close to reaching the prescription renewable energy quota, the worst of which are the Netherlands and France which are over 6% off the mark.
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