Romania: ANRE is preparing a new support scheme for renewables to start from 2021

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The National Regulatory Authority for Energy – ANRE is considering introduction of a new support scheme for renewable energy from 2021, the year when the European Commission’s agreement for the current system based on green certificates will expire. Most likely, this will be a premium feed-in system, ANRE Vice President Zoltan Nagy-Bege said at the conference “Optimizing Business in the Photovoltaic Industry”, organized by Photon Energy and in the Energy Breakfast Club format.

As a short-term solution, subject to approval in the Parliament, ANRE proposes a gradual increase in consumer contribution for renewables starting with this year. Given that about 40-50% of the green certificates issued do not find buyers, the ANRE official has estimated that this measure would increase the demand for about 1.5 million additional GCs (about 10% of the surplus estimated in present).

In order to meet Romania’s new targets for the share of renewable energy in total consumption in 2030, Zoltan Nagy-Bege said that “it is crucial to re-establish investor interest” on the basis of attractive and predictable legislation. Most likely, a final European decision on the new national targets, certainly over 30%, will be taken in the second half of this year, Zoltan Nagy-Bege estimated.

Source: energyworldmag

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