Romania grants right to Transgaz to start work on Phase 1 of BRUA gas link

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Romanian gas transmission company Transgaz said it has obtained the right to start works on the first stage of construction of a natural gas pipeline connecting Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Austria.

The Phase 1 of construction of the BRUA project is due to be completed at the end of 2019, Transgaz said in a statement filed with the Bucharest Stock Exchange, BVB, late on Wednesday.

The ministry of energy, as the competent authority for energy infrastructure projects of common interest, has issued a comprehensive decision on the project, by which it is ascertained that the entire authorization process necessary to carry out such a project was carried out in accordance with the relevant EU regulations and national legislation in force, the statement reads.

The decision on Phase 1 involves the development of the Romanian gas transmission system along Bulgaria – Romania – Hungary – Austria route through the construction of a pipeline linking Podisor technological node to Horia gas metering station and through three new gas compressor stations – in Jupa, Bibesti and Podisor.

The pipeline route follows the general direction from south-east to west, crossing the counties of Giurgiu, Teleorman, Dambovita, Arges, Olt, Valcea, Gorj, Hunedoara, Caras-Severin and Timis.

Along the route of the pipeline, 38 section valves stations will be constructed, of which 33 on the pipeline and 5 in the gas compressor stations, as well as 18 cathodic protection stations.

The construction of a new European gas transmission corridor that will connect Bulgaria with Austria through Romania and Hungary will increase the security of gas supply in Europe and will reduce energy dependence at European and regional level, thus allowing for the diversification of gas supply routes, Transgaz said.

Transgaz shares traded 1.94% lower at 405 lei on the Bucharest Stock Exchange by 1323 CET on Thursday.

Source: seenews

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