Romania: Hidroelectrica is looking to buy energy companies in SE Europe, wind and photovoltaic parks in Romania

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Hidroelectrica analyzes the possibility of acquiring wind and photovoltaic parks in Romania as well as other energy companies outside the borders, Bogdan Badea, general manager of the company said on Monday in a press conference.

“At national level, we look to buy wind and solar parks. We are in due diligence with several wind farms. We are interested in diversifying our sources of production and we look especially at green energy as it complements our portfolio. If we can save on water using other sources, it will be a plus. We also have storage capacity and we can make balances,” Badea explained.

He also said he was also considering the possibility of acquiring other companies outside the country. “We have an analysis of the market,” Bogdan Badea said.

Regarding the listing of a 10% stake in the company, the general manager of Hidroelectrica was skeptical that it would happen this year

“The listing must happen, but it must be done after we have a well-developed plan, to know what to do with the money that follows. Not for the sake of listing, the way it has been done so far. I can give many examples here, where there was no money-use plan,” said Hidroelectrica official.

Source: energyworldmag

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