Serbia; EU approves 11.5 mln euro financing for Serbia’s Djerdap HPP

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Serbia’s infrastructure ministry said the European Commission has approved 11.5 million euro ($12.9 million) in financing for a project for upgrades at hydroelectric dam Djerdap I.

The EC will finance 40% of the total value of the project through the Connecting Europe Facility, which stands at 28.5 million euro, the infrastructure ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

Serbia will provide 17 million euro in financing from its budget in the period between 2018 and 2020, the infrastructure ministry said.

The project, which envisages the adaptation of navigation locks, will also include the replacement of the entire electro-hydraulic and hydraulic-mechanical equipment, as well as necessary construction works, the ministry noted.

The project will contribute to a further increase in cargo traffic on the Danube through Serbia, which rose by two million tonnes to 10.5 million tonnes in 2016.

The navigation lock at the Serbian side of the dam at Djerdap 1 has been in operation for about 40 years. The present state and conditions of the navigation locks are subject to breakdowns which result in a complete stoppage of national and international inland navigation traffic.

The Djerdap hydropower plant, located on the Iron Gate gorge on the Danube, was built jointly by Serbia and Romania and commissioned in the 1970s. The Serbian part of the complex comprises the Djerdap 1 and Djerdap 2 HPPs with a capacity of 1,058 megawatts (MW) and 270 MW, respectively.

Source: renewablesnow


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