Serbia has to invest a lot in environment protection because it will cost more if nothing is done

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The European Green Deal aims to make Europe a carbon-neutral continent by 2050, which means that all countries should reduce their emissions.
The European Union has invested more than € 400 million over the past 15 years in improving environmental protection in Serbia. This was discussed at the debate at the EU Info Center “Air Pollution is a Real Problem – Can the EU Accession Process Help?”.
EU Delegation co-operation chief Ingve Engstrom says it costs, but it costs more if we do nothing. It states that 390,000 people a year in Europe die from air pollution.
“When it comes to Serbia, it is a political decision to implement European legislation to improve the environment. We will continue with financial and professional support,” Engstrom said.
He adds that air pollution is a real problem: “You can feel it, but monitoring is why we’re responding now.”

Radovic announces 17 more measurement sites

Measuring air quality is made possible by EU pre-accession assistance. According to the quality of reporting by the Environmental Protection Agency, Serbia is 13th in Europe.
“Serbia has about 25 plants that fall into the category called PR TR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register), it is a European directive on transboundary pollution control and all those emitters pay annual compensation for them. first of all, to discourage them from continuing to produce emissions in the future, or to invest in the modernization of their plants, surely the largest part of the emissions will be dropped by the Electric Power Industry of Serbia, “says Director of the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency Filip Radovic.
Another 17 air quality monitoring stations will soon be installed.
“As long as the system of environmental protection and promotion is not conceived so that we integrally view it in all media: air, water, land, flora and fauna, we will have individual successes and individual downs,” said UN Environment Expert Angelka Mihailov.
It is estimated that Serbia has to invest between 10 and 15 billion euros in order to implement European environmental legislation.


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