Serbia; Mines, our national wealth, in the function of the development of foreign economies

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The resources of the Bor and Majdanpek mining are inexhaustible, as neither half of them have been used up to now. Certified geological mine reserves amount to about 1.38 billion tons of mine and contain about 5.1 million tons of copper, 202 tons of gold and 1.477 tons of silver. Confirmed resources, with an average annual exploitation of 26 million tons of mine, guarantee the production of copper in the next 50 years.

The most important mines are copper mines in the Bor region, which are located – with a smelter and production of copper and precious metals – within the Combine RTB Bor. This Combine is economically and strategically much more important to the country than the attention it gets. Instead of having a state strategy for the development of industry based on this valuable metal and exporting products with higher processing phases – to our grief – we export semi-finished products through which other economies are being developed. So, our national wealth is in the function of the development of foreign economies. This is proof that we do not have a strategy for development planning, nor the continuity of any, let alone responsible, economic policies. We can only conclude that there is no successful economy without knowledge and expert people, even without patriotic policy and responsible authorities.

Other mines, although not of significance at the level of the Bor mine, are, however, very important both from the economic and the strategic point of view. It would be difficult to list all the mines and separately describe their importance and characteristics of mine minerals and their production, so I will not even mention them. But it is important to point out what is common to all mining, that is, today’s position of mining and the policy pursued towards this branch of the economy.

It is a general assessment that the great state neglect of this activity, and especially the neglect is expressed after the globalization of our country. Namely, after 2000, irresponsible authorities, implementing a neo-liberal economic policy, tried to completely overthrow this activity and left the mines – as the largest national wealth – to various multinational companies from non-colonial countries. Thus, cement plants were alienated, and only by the circumstances, RTB Bor and many other mines remained under the national umbrella.

It is necessary to mention what would happen if strategic mines were alienated

First of all, natural wealth – which has both economic and strategic significance – would exploit companies from non-colonial countries, which would increase their impact on our economy.

Secondly, foreign owners would reduce the number of workers and at the same time increase the exploitation – the hired workers – those who would remain to work. At the very beginning, they would not reduce their salaries, but they would not even align them with the rise in the cost of living.

Thirdly, we would reduce all social expenditures, as well as allocations for other social needs.

Fourth, mine extraction would not be modernized or the miners’ working conditions improved.

Fifth, the mines would be invested only as much as needed to achieve greater profit, without considering the future and development.

Sixth, profits from national wealth would be exported to foreign economies!

After all, it can be noted that economic criminals can give national resources to other exploiters.

Our country is not geologically explored, and previous research indicates the richness of various minerals. Therefore, in the coming period, research in mining should be increased. Energy and mining are strategic, prospective and initial branches of the economy. Namely, energy is the basis of the development of the entire economy, while mining is a strategic and initial branch of economic development. The reproductive chain of higher forms of production starts from mineral raw materials. Therefore, in countries that have a responsible and patriotic authority – through mining – the economic effects are multiplied, because higher technical and technological forms of production are developed on processed raw materials. Irresponsible authorities give mines to others who export raw materials with the lowest processing level.

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