Serbia: MK Fintel Wind is opening the first wind park in Serbia

, Investors

MK Fintel Wind announced for November 12 the official opening of its wind park near Kula, the first wind park in Serbia.
As eKapija has already reported , MK Fintel Wind – joint venture of Fintel Energia Spa, a public company present at the Italian market, MK Group d.o.o, has started in February this year a construction of a wind park with the installed power of 9,9 MW and the works were planned to end in late October.
It was announced then that a facility comprising three wind generators Vestas, 178 m high, will produce 27.000.000 Kwh of green energy which is sufficient for nearly 8.000 hosueholds. MK Fintel Wind poured nearly EUR 15 m in the project of construction of “Vetroparka Kula” and this project should provide 50 employee vacancies. They also announced soon start of construction of the second wind park, totaling EUR 11 m near Vrsac and will supply some 5500 households with green energy.


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