Serbia: The revenue from environmental taxes153 billion dinars in 2014.
, NewsEnvironmentally related tax revenues in Serbia amounted to RSD 152.78 billion in 2014, which is 17.8 percent more than the previous year, announced today Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
The largest share in the structure of these revenues had a category energy taxes with a share of 84.1 percent, and taxes in the field of transport with 7.2 percent, while taxes on pollution and on the use of resources accounted for 6.4 and 2.2 percent, respectively.
The largest part of taxes related to environmental protection was paid by generation units, 57.2 percent, while the share of households, as consumers, the total revenues amounted to 42.7 percent.
Average annual share of revenues from environmental taxes in gross domestic product in the period from 2008 to 2014 was 3.3 percent.
Only in 2014, the share of revenues from these taxes in GDP amounted to 3.9 percent, while their share in total revenues from taxes and social contributions amounted to 10.5 percent.
The value of revenues from environmental taxes increased 2.1 times in 2014 compared to 2008, and their average annual growth during this period was 13 percent.
This is the first time that the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia announced the results of tax calculation related to environment in our country in the form of press release.
This type of tax is one of the economic instruments for pollution control and natural resource management, whose aim is to influence the behavior of economic subjects, producers and consumers towards the environment.
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