The Bijelava River in Bosnia and Herzegovina is disappearing due to a small hydro-power plant

, News

A large number of letters were sent directly to Mr. Mašic, the mayor of Foča, in front of the NGG “Let’s save the Foca rivers”, UG “Bjelava”, personally from the locals, and not a single answer has been received so far. The mayor completely ignored all appeals and the concern of the citizens of Foča about the continued destruction of rivers is completely justified. So far, they have not received a single response to their inquiries from the local government.

In 2017, the Mayor of the Municipality of Foča gave a positive opinion on the approvals for the construction of SHPPs Bjelava and Mala Bjelava, although the Opinion of the Municipality and PViK “Izvor” from 2016 was not positive. Citizens gathered around the association “Let’s save the rivers Foča” state that they never received an answer on the basis of which and which analyzes the opinion of the Mayor from 2017 is positive.

“The fact that he did not honor us with at least one answer speaks enough that the Mayor tacitly approves all actions and does not pay attention to the numerous appeals of the citizens of Foča,” reads the page of the association Let’s Save the Foča River.

Concerned citizens rightly wonder whose interests are represented by the mayor, public or individuals?

“So far, all appeals and letters addressed to the municipality have been ignored. Thus, such actions only deepen our doubts and fears that he gave his consent for the destruction of the river Bjelava, his consent to destroy our greatest natural wealth, our river! Consent for the personal interest of the individual, against the common interest of all citizens of Foča! Consent for the profit and enrichment of the individual, and deprivation of the right to life and survival of the locals in the Bjelava river basin! In the end, he took away the civil right to choose, arguments, opinions to the signatories of the petition and all the citizens of Foča who are against the construction of SHPPs “, the citizens state.

Reports of national inspections show numerous irregularities during the “preparation for geological research” and currently works are being carried out along the Velika Bjelava watercourse, without a concession, outside the areas covered by the geological research project, without a building permit and without water consent.

The destruction of the third watercourse is in progress, and the local authorities, led by the Mayor, are still silent and tacitly approve of all that.

Citizens are justifiably worried about everything that has been done so far, and they are wondering what are the guarantees that the water supply system is not endangered?

Furthermore, the question arises as to how the municipal inspectors state in their report that there were no works in the Bjelava riverbed, and the republic inspection states numerous relocations of the riverbed, backfilling of the old riverbed and changes in the ecosystem of the Bjelava watercourse.

We are proud that there are those citizens who love their rivers, their forests, their land, who want to leave something behind to their descendants …. and we are ashamed of those who exist for the salaries they receive in office, for the lump sum for which they sit in board members and do not protect the interests of citizens and ignore their opinions and needs! – it is stated on the page.

Citizens gathered around the association Let’s Save the Foča River emphasize that all activities are exclusively aimed at preserving the rivers and natural wealth of the Municipality, without any positional or oppositional political connotations.

It is up to the local government to prove that our municipality does not function according to the principle of operation of small hydro power plants – Automatic operation with remote control, it is stated on the page of UG Save the Foča River.





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