The energy system in South East Europe is corrupt, dirty and inefficient: the evidence is overwhelming

, NGOs

This October 16th, the ministers of the region who are in charge of energy policies will meet in Tirana, Albania to agree the reform of the Energy Community that all the countries of the region are members of. Now we have the opportunity to demand from our leaders an energy system that is fairer, cleaner and more efficient.

We urge the governments of South East Europe and the European Commission to do what they can, and should do, immediately:

Invest much more in energy efficiency in homes, which will help citizens reduce their energy bills!
Clean up the corrupt energy systems by ensuring investigation and prosecution in corruption cases, which will encourage responsible new investors
Adopt and fulfill EU climate goals and targets now, with EU funding and support!

One thing should be clear though – even if there was no EU pathway – any right thinking government that wants to do the best for its people, their health and the economy, would take these actions without delay.


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