The process of making Serbia green
, NewsIn the modern world, people have been talking for a long time and working on measures to mitigate the consequences of climate change. Complete decarbonisation of the planet and zero emissions are set as a global imperative by 2050. Europe must do it faster and more efficiently, and the Climate Law envisages a reduction of harmful gas emissions by 40 percent for member states, by 2030, while some announcements by European Commission officials indicate that the target could be as much as 55 percent. Meeting these goals is possible only by shutting down thermal power plants and switching to renewable energy sources. An organized state like Germany has already started the process of shutting down thermal power plants and has allocated 317 million euros for that process as compensation to those who will no longer be able to make money on coal.
And where is Serbia? In the air that is visible and has a smell and taste. Great progress has been made in Serbia – people who talk about climate change are no longer considered weirdos, while those who deal with renewable energy in public discourse are no longer in the status of innovators or representatives of foreign interests. A real shift has been made. In the last three years, 398 MW have been installed in wind farms and another hundred in other technologies. Had it not been for the mess with small hydropower plants, Serbia could have declared itself a regional leader in the field of renewable sources for the period from 2016 until today.
We have heard from the highest state leadership that Serbia will be a country of green jobs in 2050. I am convinced that it will happen much earlier. And not because someone will force and pressure us, but because that is the only logical way to save the state, the continent and the planet. As the nation with the sickest lungs in Europe, we should hurry because the data of the World Health Organization say that 6,000 people die in Serbia every year from pollution, which is almost twice as many as the horrible crown killed people in our country. From the most insidious lung cancer, the number of inhabitants equivalent to a smaller municipality in Serbia gets sick every year. And practice says that it is rarely curable. That is why the critics of the decision of the Government of Serbia to increase the fee for the encouragement of renewable energy sources are surprising, especially when they come from those who criticize the state for polluted air and other environmental omissions.
It is good that we will get the Law on Renewable Energy Sources, because such a legal act will raise green energy to a higher level, and the state will give formal legal recognition and support to renewable energy sources. And renewable energy sources can be a source of new jobs, especially when the time comes to implement the Large Combustion Plants Directive and when we will have to shut down thermal power plant units, which are the biggest polluters. The goals of the European Energy Community (currently chaired by Serbia) to produce and consume 27 percent of green energy by 2020 have obviously not been achieved. We will have a chance to correct ourselves by 2030, for which they will set even more demanding goals.
There is potential and projects in wind, solar and biomass, and investors will not need any financial assistance from the state, if the procedures are simplified and non-financial assistance is provided. Even EPS is preparing to start the construction of the Kostolac wind farm, which could supply more than 50,000 households with green energy. Almost all regional power companies have such projects, supported by loans from German banks.
We have an equal obligation and chance in waste and in other environmental protection activities. In wastewater factories, in the processing of municipal waste, in the treatment of medical and pharmaceutical waste. We will have to thank plastics and similar pollutants and support manufacturers of biodegradable packaging, as well as all those who respect the postulates of the circular economy (reduce, reuse and recycle).
The green economy is a game of big numbers, but it concerns an ordinary little man. On him, on all of us, there is as much responsibility as on the state. And it can do everything: not to buy disposable plastic, but to produce it in biodegradable packaging or glass, returnable packaging. To buy goods in bulk, and less packaged. That electrical devices are repaired or even rented, and not replaced often with new ones. That clothes are not thrown away, but donated or recycled. To eat healthy, fresh, organic food, instead of industrial. Turn on the machine when it is full, do not leave the light on, be energy efficient. Fewer cars, more bikes and walking. It’s simple and it’s up to us. We return to the factory settings.
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