What is behind the “Makisko polje regulation plan” in Belgrade

, News

The remarks of those whose voices were muffled explain why the city government hurried to hold the debate at a time of unfavorable epidemiological situation, namely, despite the protest of interested citizens, representatives of non-governmental organizations and political parties, a “secret public debate” was held in the premises of the Secretariat for Urbanism and Construction. discussion “on the Draft Plan for Detailed Regulation of Makisko Polje. As it was stated after the discussion, the plan will be presented to the members of the City Assembly very soon, so that it can be adopted.

“We were prevented from attending so that the truth would not be heard, the authorities were afraid of experts who would defend the right of citizens to a water source,” says Dejan Jovanovic from the “Battle for Kosutnjak” initiative, which organized a protest rally in front of the Secretariat for Urbanism.

He believes that a small interest group is behind the intention to build on Makisko polje.

“I have the impression that some tycoons here, in conjunction with some politicians, have become a kind of deep state. I’m not sure if the state has the strength to defend itself here. What is certain – the citizens are in one column, in the other column are tycoons, maybe a dozen of them and politicians, their poltrons and that’s it “, he said.

Jovanovic did not name anyone, and for now, Bogoljub Kairic and “BK Group” have been mentioned in public as a potential investor for construction on Makisko polje, from which it was announced that in 2010 the urban planners proposed the location “Makisko polje” for the construction of Tesla City.” Those whose voice was not heard at the public debate, stated that the biggest problem for the planned construction on Makisko polje was the endangerment of key sources for the supply of Belgrade with drinking water.

“There is a crucial water supply problem in the whole story. The water source is a complex terrain on which there is a reservoir of drinking water for future generations. And this is a project that will benefit only privileged investors and some individuals who will sell their plots at a high price, the rest of us will have only a problem “, explains Aleksandar Andjelkovic, assistant at the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, for Nova.rs.

It shows that only the hydro-technical solution for Makisko polje issued by the “Jaroslav Cerni” Institute contains a contradiction.

“It says that in the wider protection zone, the construction of new residential settlements is allowed if the space provided for that is located on a line farther than two kilometers from the reni well,” says Andjelkovic.

He explains that in the same document there is a map which clearly shows that the line is less than two kilometers. He emphasizes that the narrowing of the protection zone on Makisko polje was “done in a weird way” because if the water in the zone where the construction is planned is polluted, the springs will be polluted in 200 days.

“Makis 1 and Makis 2 process 1,800 liters per second, with Bele vode another 600 liters per second. “Even now, there are restrictions in the outlying municipalities, and if we settle another 500,000 people in one place without building Makish 3 and closing the White Water plant, we will enter a water supply problem that is not naive at all,” he said.

Architect Dusko Kuzovic from the “Oslobodjenje” movement called on the architects involved in this work to think carefully “because at some point some new people will come and ask them: ‘What did you do?'”

“Investors are also invited to think carefully about whether they need a location obtained in this way. “If they are honest, they will think carefully about what they are taking and what kind of agreement they are making,” he said.

Jovanovic announced that the “Battle for Kosutnjak” initiative would send a report to the European Investment Bank and all financial institutions explaining how the public debate on construction on Maksisko Polje was held, and that he said that their statutes were such that they should not approve. funds to anyone who engages in “such embezzlement.”

“This means that investors will not have the opportunity to get capital to do anything. That includes the subway project that connects the field and the meadow on Makisko polje. The project of the first line of the subway is actually in the function of this project of two million euros for one tycoon “, said Jovanovic.

Source: nova.rs




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