While other countries give up fossil fuels, Croatia is building coal plant TPP Plomin C
, NGOsAt the recent meeting of the seven most developed countries of the G7 in Germany, it was concluded that fossil fuels will totally disappear
from use until the end of this century. Optimist have welcomed the decision as historic because it represents the first significant and
concrete agreement to curb climate change that gives hope to achieve global climate change agreement at the end of the year in the Paris.
Pessimists are reminded of the warning to a complete cessation of the use of fossil fuels to be achieved already by 2050 in order to achieve
real effects on global climate. If the global temperature rises by 4 degrees Celsius, climate change will nothing restrain.
The most developed countries of the world have decided to make a technological turnaround in their economies in the direction of
renewable energy sources not only because of climate change but also to maintain dominance in the world economy. This is roadmap that all
other countries should follow if they want to catch up with the most developed. Croatia at this moment in their development has completely
different development path. The largest energy investment which planned by power utility company HEP is coal power plant. Instead of
the future and new technologies, Croatia in terms of energy turns to the past and the technology of the early 20th centuary-said Vlasta Toth, a member of the Presidency of the Orah.
HEP’S Director of Stategy and Corporate Development, Ljubica Cvenic, said recently that the construction of TE Plomin C part of strategy of
long-term sustainable development and stable energy and business system of HEP.”HEP intends to apply the best available technology with
the best systems to control impact on environmental ,” said Cvenić adding that the TPP Plomin C economically payable project and a great
economic potential for the local community. Thanks to its geographical position,Croatia has a huge capacity in renewable wind and solar.This
is our energy comparative advantage that should and could enable us to catch up with the most developed and forever ensure energy security and independence.
An alternative to coal
Given the fact that Croatia do not have our own coal, the construction of this TPP continues to remain dependent on imported energy
source-rather than use the available own solar, wind and biomass. Certainly, Croatia should not forget the jobs, and these data are on
the side of the renewable energy. According to calculations by UNDP: 800 MW of wind plants through megatender to 2020 (the so-called.
Portuguese model) open year 1000-1200 jobs1,000 MW integrated solar photovoltaic system without incentive to2020 , per year open
2000-3500 jobs;3 million square meters of solar thermal decentralized solar thermal systems(collectors)to 2020 per year 3000-5000 open jobs.
The projected life of TPP Plomin C is until 2060 or even 2065 years. According to the analysis prof. dr. Sc.Enzo Tirelija, who in the late
90s led TPP Plomin 2 project, new TPP Plomin C project will not be profitable, largely because of the inevitable exceeding permitted
emissions of CO2 which Croatia have as issue which in line with the ETS, EU will be liable to pay, which will result increasing in electricity prices. Because of this and because of the negative impact on the environment due to unprofitability and because of the opposition of citizens, it is time that the Government and HEP focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy, not on the old dirty technologies, conclude from Green NGO initiative which is against the project TPP Plomin C unit.
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